Vote: You Choose Which Episodes Air in the Huell Howser Marathon
"What's your favorite Huell Howser episode?"
That's a question we don't get tired of asking, because it seldom results in a simple answer. No, people are much more likely to tell us why they connected with a given episode, why it spoke to them and, really, why Huell himself spoke to them. It's because Huell Howser had such a special relationship with his viewers that KCET is giving them a chance to remember him and celebrate the episodes they love most.
Yes, we're airing a Huell Howser marathon, and yes, you get to pick which episodes will be part of it.
Below, you'll see a list of 50 episodes. You get to vote for the five. (I mean, we could hardly expect Huell Howser superfans to pick just one episode.) Don't see your go-to episode? Write it in at the bottom. Don't recognize the episode by title? Click on it to read more about that episode.
On Sunday, January 5, we'll air the top vote-getters from 7 p.m.-11 p.m. on KCET. Following that, the top five will air again the following week in KCET's regular weekday Huell Howser timeslot -- 7:30 p.m.
Happy voting!
Watch full episodes of Huell's shows on our video portal or on the Chapman University archive. Check out clips from Huell's pre-KCET days in our Retro Huell section. And if you haven't yet, take a moment to sign Huell's memorial page.