SoCal Student Featured in PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs Special on COVID's Impact on Education

On May 18, 2021, PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs hosted a special called "Disrupted: How COVID Changed Education," which showcased student voices in conversation with leading journalists about their hopes and expectations to tackle systemic problems in schools that were exposed by the pandemic.
Ryan Carter, a graduating senior at Etiwanda High School in Rancho Cucamonga, California was interviewed by "PBS NewsHour" correspondent William Brangham. Carter, along with two other students, spoke with Brangham about the unexpected impact that the pandemic had on students — such as caring for younger siblings. Ryan shared how he helped his brother, who is deaf and autistc, navigate distance learning during the pandemic.
Watch the interview below:
Interview produced by Victor Fernandez and Leah Clapman from Student Reporting Labs, with assistance from student producers Kaci Amaral, Ryan Carter, Hannah Ghebrelul And Zhenwei Gao.
You can watch the full story about Ryan and his brother below:
This video diary was produced by Zhenwei Gao at Etiwanda High School in Rancho Cucamonga, California with support from SRL connected educator Bernadine Judson and Youth Media Producer Marie Cusick. Edited by SRL intern Grace Vitaglione.