Saving Fresno's Healthcare Safety Net

The Power of Stories is an archive of projects submitted every year to Building Healthy Communities (BHC) Statewide Convening. It showcases work created throughout California highlighting the power of individual and collective efforts to promote health and demonstrates how stories have the power to re-imagine and transform our communities. Produced in partnership with the California Endowment.
Project submitted by: Fresno Building Healthy Communities and Communities for a New California Education Fund
Project summary: Fresno Building Healthy Communities, Communities for a New California Education Fund, along with community volunteers are reaching out to Fresno County residents and informing them about Fresno County's attempting to eliminate the health care safety net for those who need financial assistance.
BHC site: Fresno
Central, southeast, and southwest Fresno is the historical-core community in the City of Fresno, which is home to a diverse population ranging from long-time residents to recent immigrants. Wave after wave of immigrants have settled here, including a large Hmong, Cambodian and Lao refugee community. More than 100 languages are spoken in Fresno City and no greater diversity exists in the area than in central, southeast, southwest Fresno.
With a population exceeding 90,000, central, southeast, and southwest Fresno has its share of challenges including high levels of poverty, unemployment, gang violence, and high rates of obesity and asthma that exceed statewide averages.
Fresno Building Healthy Communities intends to transform our neighborhoods into healthier communities. Where we live, work, learn and play has a profound impact on our health and we are taking action toward a safer and healthier place for our community, because Fresno matters.