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Glendale Narrows Recreational Zone May Exclude Atwater Village

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Glendale Narrows section of the L.A. River, by Elysian Valley. Photo by KCET Departures.

Two more public meetings have been scheduled to discuss the Glendale Narrows Recreational Program. Much of the details have remained the same, since we last told you about the program, with one major change.

"More likely than not, the recreational zone will begin at Fletcher Drive instead of North Atwater Park," according to Walt Young, Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Chief of Operations, who was a major part of designing the proposed program. The change in the trail is due to the progress of finalizing permits to begin the North Atwater Bridge project, which is downstream from the original trail's starting point on North Atwater Park. "We haven't gotten the final word on the bridge," emphasizes Young. Until then, organizers wouldn't have a 100 percent certainty of the final river trail.

During their first large public presentation at the Los Angeles River Center, some concerns brought up by residents of Atwater Village on the negative effects to their neighborhood due to increased foot traffic from the river trail. Should the revised zone push through, the Atwater neighborhood would no longer be part of the recreational zone.

Public meetings are scheduled for Saturday, February 23, 9:30 am to 11am at Dickerson Employee Benefits Conference Room, 1918 Riverside Drive, Los Angeles. The second meeting is on February 25, 3 p.m. at the Ad Hoc River Committee Meeting, 10th Floor, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles.

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