Jamie Xie: Chinatown Metro Gold Line
Many Los Angeles residents think that they've had a poor public transportation system. For many neighborhoods, there are no convenient stations. However, Chinatown's Gold Line is great for both people who live here and people who want to come visit. It has provided great access to the rest of the city, and served to be a major convenience to Chinatown's working class (some of which do not own cars). It has also allowed teenagers to travel to places they would otherwise struggle to visit.
Riding the Gold Line is simpler and easier taking a regular train. And because the train only goes in two directions, it is relatively easy to pick where you are going by simply looking on the map. It looks similar to a regular train station platform, but instead of the usual look, this one is raised above the street and about two stories high with decorations and colors of Asian culture. Jamie says that he likes to use the Gold Line to travel north to Pasadena to hang with his friends. He appreciates the Gold Line now as an option that was not available ten years ago.
Taking the Train
"I would prefer to take the Goldline because there is no traffic."