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Kong Chow Benevolent Association - Robert Eng

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The City of Los Angeles eventually segregated the early Chinese immigrants by restricting them to build on only covenant land. Old Chinatown, located where Union Station now stands, was home to the three thousand Chinese males living in Los Angeles as well as businesses serving the unique community. Not only did Los Angeles keep the sojourners away from white Angelinos but the city also failed to extend social services and political recognition to its Chinese population. Consequently, Old Chinatown generated a tightly knit network of family alliances and benevolent associations, many of which still exist today. In a two-story brick building off Ferguson Alley in Old Chinatown, the Kong Chow Benevolent Association opened its doors in 1891, the first of its kind to emerge. As an advisor, past President and now member of the board of directors of the Kong Chow Benevolent Association, Mr. Robert Eng has seen the organization change with time from a thriving community association to "just another useless hang out for old dudes."

Robert Eng - Kong Chow Benevolent Association - History of the Kong Chow Benevolent Association

A History of the Kong Chow Benevolent Association

"The oldest family association in Los Angeles Chinatown."

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