5 PBS ways to spend your extra hour tonight
Falling back an hour, back into standard time, is perhaps our favorite thing about this time of year, and it's happening tonight! Sure we're going to lose this extra hour come springtime, but for right now, we're just reveling in the pleasure of having an extra 60 minutes to do whatever we want. If you're not sure how to make the most of this bonus time tonight, here are a few suggestions of some very PBS-ish ways to spend your additional hour...
1. Catch up on the latest episode of Poldark in preparation for #DramaSunday tomorrow.
2. Get your Bob Ross on, and try your hand at painting some "happy little clouds."
3. Figure out next week's election and make your own predictions with this Presidential Predictor Map from PBS Teachers.
4. Listen to this Soundbreaking playlist on Spotify in anticipation of the first episode of the upcoming series, which begins November 14.

5. Get a jump on your Thanksgiving dinner plans, but perusing the recipes from PBS Food.

Go forth and enjoy falling back into standard time tonight!