L.A.'s Budget Problems to Get Worse, SLO's Steelhead Trout Population on the Rise & More
January 10, 2011
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A look at what other news agencies are saying about Southern California:
- The City Maven: L.A.'s current budget woes are just the beginning. A "tsunami" is coming, warns the city's top budget official.
- LA Now: There are at least 380 victims of credit and debit card fraud stemming from a Sierra Madre gas station.
- BakersfieldNow: A recent truck accident in the Grapevine is raising questions about truck escape routes along the corridor.
- LA Weekly: Loyola Marymount University has released an analysis of L.A. voters and Prop 19, the failed marijuana legalization effort.
- Desert Dispatch: A new public transit bus route between Barstow and Victorville begins next week.
- LAist: LA Arts Month is underway!
- LAObserved: Nice photo of snow and cloud cover over the basin from Baldy Village.
- SLO Tribune: Steelhead trout are making a comeback in San Luis Obispo County streams.
Los Angeles, CA | Photo by Renee Rendler-Kaplan, KCET.org Southern California Flickr Pool
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