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The Vietnam War

PBS Previews: The Vietnam War | #4 Unsettled History

The filmmakers discuss working with historical experts on The Vietnam War. Find out about the creation of the film from Ken Burns and Lynn Novick. #VietnamWarPBS

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The Weight of Memory (Explicit Language Version)
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Saigon falls and the war ends. Americans & Vietnamese from all sides seek reconciliation.
A Disrespectful Loyalty (Explicit Language Version)
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South Vietnam fights alone as Nixon and Kissinger find a way out for America. POWs return.
The History of the World (Explicit Language Version)
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Nixon withdraws troops but upon sending forces to Cambodia the antiwar movement reignites.
The Veneer of Civilization (Explicit Language Version)
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After chaos roils the Democratic Convention, Nixon, promising peace, wins the presidency.
Things Fall Apart (Explicit Language Version)
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Shaken by the Tet Offensive, assassinations and unrest, America seems to be coming apart.
This Is What We Do (Explicit Language Version)
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President Johnson escalates the war while promising the public that victory is in sight.
Resolve (Explicit Language Version)
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US soldiers discover Vietnam is unlike their fathers’ war, as the antiwar movement grows.
The River Styx (Explicit Language Version)
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With South Vietnam near collapse, LBJ bombs the North and sends US troops to the South.
Riding the Tiger (Explicit Language Version)
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As a communist insurgency gains strength, JFK wrestles with US involvement in Vietnam.
Déjà Vu (Explicit Language Version)
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After a century of French occupation, Vietnam emerges independent but divided.
The Weight of Memory (Vietnamese Subtitles)
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Saigon falls and the war ends. Americans & Vietnamese from all sides seek reconciliation.
A Disrespectful Loyalty (Vietnamese Subtitles)
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South Vietnam fights alone as Nixon and Kissinger find a way out for America. POWs return.
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