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Untold Earth
The Story Behind This Giant Rock in the Middle of a Field
Season 1
Episode 6
Devil’s Tower, also known as Mato Tipila or Bear’s lodge, was formed over 50 million years ago. Rising dramatically from the Wyoming plains, this spellbinding monolith is a pillar of Lakota Sioux mythology, and an enduring challenge to rock climbers worldwide. But through thousands of years of human fascination, one critical question remains unanswered: how did it get here?
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Meet Pando, an ancient tree in Utah that has grown into one of Earth's largest living wonders.

How are truffles key to the survival of the forest ecosystem at large?

What does it mean to preserve a place that is defined by it's impermanence?

Microbial warfare has been raging for thousands of years deep below the Chihuahuan Desert.

What does one of Earth's harshest environments teach us about planet survival?

At 87º Celcius, the Grand Prismatic Spring is a beacon of microbial life and discovery.

An ancient and modern mystery, what about bioluminescence inspires such obsession?

Over half a million years old, the story of Mono Lake is one of survival.

At 450 million years old, moss may hold the key to surviving our rapidly warming planet.

What are icebergs doing so close to land and why must we keep an eye on them?

What makes the Coast Redwood, a tree as old as the dinosaurs, epically singular in nature?