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Tending the Wild
Sage LaPena on Traditional Native American Herbalism
Sage LaPena is a Nomtipom Wintu ethnobotanist and certified medical herbalist. She has worked for years to preserve and pass along Native uses of plant medicines — from both native and introduced plants — and other aspects of Traditional Ecological Knowledge connected to plants.Here, she explains that a resurgence of traditional medicinal practices in Native communities and in popular culture often leads to a lack of access by Native communities to needed plants.
Co-produced by KCETLink Media Group and the Autry Museum, this six-part multimedia series and one-hour documentary special are presented in association with California Continued, a groundbreaking exhibition now on view at the Autry.
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his series examines how humans are necessary to live in balance with nature and how traditional practices can inspire a new generation of Californians to tend their environment