Potawot Health Center: A Holistic Approach of Healing
The Potawot Health Village at United Indian Health Services serves as a comprehensive place of healing with Western doctors, a Native medicine man, a sweat lodge and a community garden. The organization was founded by a group of women in 1970 due to concern that Native women weren't receiving adequate prenatal care. When the land for UIHS's current location was purchased, the board struck a deal with the city of Arcata that 20 acres would be used for the health center, while the remaining 20 acres would be brought back to a natural state. This natural state has become a place where people can take nature walks, where they have a chance to grow healthy foods and where people can tap the "pharmacy of the world." By focusing on a holistic and traditional approach to healing the mind, body and soul, the center uses nature to give Indigenous people control of their own health care.