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Story of China
The Last Communist Collective in China
The age of communism is over now in today's free market China, even though the Communist Party still runs the country as a one party state. Now there's just one place which is still communist in a sea of capitalism. Michael visits this strange throwback in rural Henan, where they still sing, "The East is Red" before work, and where pictures of Mao, Stalin, and Lenin still adorn the town square!
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The great Taiping Rebellion, the fall of the Empire and the rise of Mao.

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Michael Wood tells the dramatic tale of China's last empire, the Qing.

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The time of the Great Wall , the Forbidden City and treasure ships sent on ocean voyages.

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Michael Wood tells the tale of China's Renaissance.

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Michael Wood conjures up China's first great international age, the Tang Dynasty.

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Michael Wood returns to the beginnings of Chinese history to find clues to today's China.