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Story of China
Get a Taste of the Good Life under the Ming Dynasty
Michael Wood visits Suzhou, "the Venice of China." Five hundred years ago during the Ming dynasty Suzhou was the symbol of China’s "Embarrassment of Riches." Staying in the house of a Ming merchant family, Michael explores China's new world of private wealth and fashion, when porcelain, lacquer making and silk weaving reached new heights to meet consumer demand.
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The great Taiping Rebellion, the fall of the Empire and the rise of Mao.

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Michael Wood tells the dramatic tale of China's last empire, the Qing.

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The time of the Great Wall , the Forbidden City and treasure ships sent on ocean voyages.

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Michael Wood tells the tale of China's Renaissance.

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Michael Wood conjures up China's first great international age, the Tang Dynasty.

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Michael Wood returns to the beginnings of Chinese history to find clues to today's China.