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Story of China
The Chinese Voyages of Exploration
We all know about Columbus, but what about the great Chinese ocean voyages that took place before his time? Michael Wood tells the story of the Chinese Admiral Zheng He and his voyages to the west. He asks too, why were they stopped? "Some say it would be like stopping moon exploration after Apollo 8," says Michael. "But the Chinese had a different view."
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The great Taiping Rebellion, the fall of the Empire and the rise of Mao.

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Michael Wood tells the dramatic tale of China's last empire, the Qing.

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The time of the Great Wall , the Forbidden City and treasure ships sent on ocean voyages.

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Michael Wood tells the tale of China's Renaissance.

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Michael Wood conjures up China's first great international age, the Tang Dynasty.

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Michael Wood returns to the beginnings of Chinese history to find clues to today's China.