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Simple Gift Series
Marty’s Music Math; “The Caterpillar Who Came To Lunch"
Season 2020
Episode 4
Come learn & sing with Miss Linda! Marty the Music Man shows us how measures help us count music. Miss Linette shows us her farm in the Curiosity Corner. Betty the Bookworm reads "The Caterpillar Who Came To Lunch." Miss Linda gets a special gift.
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Sing and play, take friends to The Penrose Room, read "Mind My Manners."

Learn theme & variations, see farm friends, read "Why Does the Hummingbird hum?"

Learn about sharps & flats, visit the United States Olympic & Paralympic Museum, and read.

Have fun with musical tempos, go to the Veterinarian and read TheWaterbug & the DragonFly.

Learn different woodwind instruments, visit Maestro Wilson and read "Making New Friends."

Listens to jazz music, visits some amphibian friends, read "Wise Mr. Bullfrog."

Learn & sing with Miss Linda! Sing and play with Marty the Music Man. Go on a hike.

Learn & sing with Miss Linda! Marty the Music Man shows us how a piano works. Meet Dewey.

Learn & sing with Miss Linda! Marty the Music Man teaches us about note names.

Come learn & sing with Miss Linda! Marty the Music Man takes us to the Art Room.

Marty the Music Man shows us how to put rhythms on a music staff.

Come learn & sing with Miss Linda! Marty the Music Man plays with solfege and rhythms.