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The Roosevelts
Theodore Roosevelt: The Nobel Peace Prize
Theodore Roosevelt is revered for his conflict resolution skills. No other incident further exemplifies these skills than his settling of the Portsmouth Treaty during the Russo-Japanese War over Manchuria and Korea, for which Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He was the first American to be awarded any Nobel Prize.
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Examine Eleanor’s role as civil rights and U.N champion after FDR’s death.

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Survey FDR’s leadership during WWII, while Eleanor tends to wounded servicemen.

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Examine FDR’s New Deal and Eleanor’s growing political activism.

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FDR battles with polio and responds to the Great Depression.

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Trace the effects of WWI on the lives of the Roosevelts.

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Theodore’s presidency and FDR and Eleanor’s courtship and marriage.

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Examine the early lives of Theodore Roosevelt and his younger cousin, Franklin.

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Examine Eleanor’s role as civil rights and U.N champion after FDR’s death.

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Survey FDR’s leadership during WWII, while Eleanor tends to wounded servicemen.

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Examine FDR’s New Deal and Eleanor’s growing political activism.

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FDR battles with polio and responds to the Great Depression.

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Trace the effects of WWI on the lives of the Roosevelts.