Seventy-five years ago, as the sun was rising over the small pacific island of Oahu, Japan unleashed an unprecedented attack on the Unites States. That day, Dec. 7, 1941, would come to be known as a day of infamy, and forever make Pearl Harbor synonymous with World War II. Explore what happened to the USS Oklahoma, the only battleship to capsize during the Pearl Harbor attack.
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Seventy-five years ago, as the sun was rising over the small pacific island of Oahu, Japan unleashed an unprecedented attack on the Unites States. That day, Dec. 7, 1941, would come to be known as a day of infamy, and forever make Pearl Harbor synonymous with World War II. Explore what happened to the USS Oklahoma, the only battleship to capsize during the Pearl Harbor attack.
There are no episodes available to stream at this time. Explore more shows.