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How to Detect Extra Dimensions

How to Detect Extra Dimensions

Season 4 Episode 41
Computing a Universe Simulation

Computing a Universe Simulation

Season 4 Episode 42
What are the Strings in String Theory?

What are the Strings in String Theory?

Season 4 Episode 43
Will We Ever Find Alien Life?

Will We Ever Find Alien Life?

Season 4 Episode 44
Supersymmetric Particle Found?

Supersymmetric Particle Found?

Season 4 Episode 45
What if Singularities DO NOT Exist?

What if Singularities DO NOT Exist?

Season 10 Episode 1
What Happens If We Nuke Space?

What Happens If We Nuke Space?

Season 10 Episode 2
How Eclipses Revealed Our Solar System

How Eclipses Revealed Our Solar System

Season 10 Episode 6
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PBS Space Time

Quantum Gravity and the Hardest Problem in Physics

Season 4 Episode 40

Between them, general relativity and quantum mechanics seem to describe all of observable reality.

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Is Gravity RANDOM Not Quantum?
What if gravity isn’t weirdly quantum at all, but rather … just a bit messy?
Can We Create New Elements Beyond the Periodic Table
Have we reached the end of the line of discoverable elements?
Do Black Holes Have to Be Black?
Can we change the color of a black hole?
Was Penrose Right? New Evidence For Quantum Effects In The Brain
Learn about Nobel laureate Roger Penrose's idea of how consciousness is caused by quantum processes.
How To Detect Faster Than Light Travel
Faster than light travel may produce gravitational waves that we could see here on Earth.
Can a Particle Be Neither Matter Nor Force?
All particles belong to two large groups: fermions and bosons.
Will The Sun’s Magnetic Field Flip This Year?
Just how much stronger is this year’s solar activity going to get?
Is It Impossible To Cross The Event Horizon? | Black Hole Firewall Paradox
So you’ve decided to jump into a black hole...
What’s The Universe’s Strongest Particle Accelerator?
We only recently figured out where cosmic rays are coming from.
Can Black Holes Unify General Relativity & Quantum Mechanics?
Black hole complementarity may force us to rethink what it means to say that it exists.
Interstellar Expansion WITHOUT Faster Than Light Travel
To travel the stars without faster than light travel we’re going to need a generation ship.
What Happens If You Jump Into A Black Hole?
Today we are jumping into a black hole. Again.
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