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Next on Episode 3 | Zebra
Join Africa’s longest land mammal migration as thousands of zebra journey through Botswana
Next on Episode 2 | Caribou
A hundred thousand caribou migrate thousands of miles through a harsh Arctic wilderness.
Official Trailer
Follow three iconic animals on some of the world’s most breath-taking wildlife adventures.
Next on Episode 1 | Elephants
A thousand elephants come together in Kenya at a critical stage of their migration.
Caribou Face a Gauntlet of Bears
The grizzles have just woken up from 6 months of hibernation, and they're starving.
Awaiting at the Zebra Finish Line
As the zebras get close, lions and dirt fields await them at the migration site.
The Herd Gets Back on Track
With just 13 days left until they go into labor, this herd still has 180 miles to go.
Clues to the Zebra Odyssey
Scientists search for clues to the origin of the zebras' urge to migrate.
Bear Gets Too Close for Comfort
In open landscape, a bear has a hard time catching caribou - but not humans.
Meeting Winnie the Zebra
As the zebra gather to leave, the crew gets a chance to meet the individuals.
Encounter with a Musth Bull Elephant
Cameraman Bob Poole attracts the unwanted attention of a musth bull.
Elephants Gorge Themselves on Weaver Birds
In an act never before filmed, a group of elephants feast on weaver bird nests.
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