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The National Parks

Filmmakers Interview | The Park Idea

Over a montage of images of the country's most spectacular landscapes, writer Dayton Duncan talks about the notion that is at the heart of the park idea: namely that the people own the land. The magnificent views of mountains, waterfalls and canyons belong not to an exclusive few, but to everyone and this is what makes it a truly democratic idea.

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 Morning of Creation (1946-1980)
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Examine the proliferation of protected lands and the protection of predatory animals.
Great Nature (1933-1945)
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Learn about the changes to the national parks during the Great Depression and WWII.
Going Home (1920-1933)
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Encounter the growing numbers of visitors to the parks.
The Empire Of Grandeur (1915-1919)
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Learn about the federal agency created to protect the parks.
The National Parks Season 1
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Investigate the efforts of Theodore Roosevelt, John Muir and others to protect the land.
The Scripture of Nature (1851-1890)
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Examine the radical idea of creating national parks for the enjoyment of everyone.
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