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Military Medicine: Beyond the Battlefield
Bob Woodruff, covers military medical advances from the battlefield to the return home.
Military Medicine: Beyond the Battlefield | Preview
New military medical advances and technology from the battlefield to the return home.
Enhanced Engineering for Disabled Veterans
Advanced engineering for wheelchairs and prosthetics make independent living easier.
Critical Care Air Transport Teams
Critical Care Air Transport Teams (CCATs) allow more wounded veterans to make it home.
Ramon Padilla and Cutting-Edge Prosthetics
Using cutting-edge prosthetics, Ramon Padilla can control his arm with implanted sensors.
Dale Beatty and Battlefield Injuries
Dale Beatty recounts the moment he was injured on the battlefield.
Elana Duffy and Treating Traumatic Brain Injury
Elana Duffy sustained a traumatic brain injury and is still recovering today.
Lt. Col. Bryan Forney and IDEO Braces
Severe burns left Lt. Col. Bryan Forney in a wheelchair, but with IDEO braces he can walk.
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