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#MeToo, Now What?
My Male Client Bought Me a Sports Bra as a Gift
Host Zainab Salbi shares a story from a woman she met in her travels across America talking to women and men about #MeToo. In this episode, an all-male panel reacts to her story and talk about what behavior is right and what is wrong; the long-held ideas they have had about masculinity, sex and power; and the changes they’d like to see come out of the movement.
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A look at the structures and hidden cultural biases that created the #MeToo movement.

Examine the cultural norms that have created a sexualized and objectified image of women.

Some men say the #MeToo movement has gone too far, but others have another take.

We explore how both sides experience an assault and came to grips with it afterwards.

Women have broken their silence and we dare to have the uncomfortable conversations.