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I Want My Mom

I Want My Mom

Season 1 Episode 5
Bineshi Kwe

Bineshi Kwe

Season 1 Episode 6
Episode 5: The Calling

The Calling

Season 4 Episode 5
When Whales Could Walk

When Whales Could Walk

Season 51 Episode 1
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Little Bird

Burning Down The House

Season 1 Episode 4

Esther finds members of her family who help her put together the pieces of the past. She returns home to Montreal to confront Golda, her adoptive mother about the revelations she’s uncovered that shine a new light on their life and change the way they can look at the past.

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Bineshi Kwe
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The Little Bird family comes together to mourn death and celebrate life.
I Want My Mom
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When tragedy strikes, Esther realizes that she needs her mother, Golda, more than anyone.
The Land That Takes You
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Patti Little Bird and Behzig/Esther are desperate to find their families, decades apart.
So Put Together
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Determined to learn more about her pre-adoption life, Esther uproots her life.
Love is all Around
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In 1968 Bezhig Little Bird was taken from her family. Now she questions her adoptive life.
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