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Life In The Heart Land
Season 1
Episode 103
In 2017 China stopped receiving foreign waste materials creating a major disruption in the status quo of U.S. recycling forcing a reckoning of how waste products are and can be recycled and repurposed. Explore the feasibility of both small- and large-scale solutions for what to do with our plastic waste and how to create circular economy that protects the planet.
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While farmers rely on migrant labor, life is often difficult for these same workers.
Discover how community newspapers survive while serving as a trusted local news source.
In rural Virginia, residents lack access to high-speed Internet but there are solutions.
Learn how immigrants in rural areas succeed as small farm “agricultores”.
Learn how federal recognition has had a positive impact on the Monacan Nation.
Examine the different perspectives on how best to address the issue of jail overcrowding.