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Baking With Julia
White Chocolate Pattycake with Marcel Desaulniers
Season 1
Episode 5
Chef and author, Marcel Desaulniers, of The Trellis in Williamsburg, Va., visits Julia Child in her kitchen. Desaulniers creates a white chocolate pattycake with chocolate tulips. The viewers are told when selecting white chocolate be sure the ingredients include cocoa butter. Desaulniers demonstrates how to make chocolate tulips by dipping balloons into melted dark chocolate.
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Demos for two wonderfully crunchy butter galettes and a raspberry-fig crostata.

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Watch chefs make lemon meringue pie-for-one andcookies: curved tuiles and gingersnaps.

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Chefs visit to make naan and swedish hardtack, types of flat breads.

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Markus Farbinger shows how to create a special Viennese pastry treat, a poppy seed torte.

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Mary Bergin demonstrates how to make a vanilla chiffon cake with a twist.

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Nick Malgieri demonstrates authentic Sicilian specialities.

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Tease your palate with oven-roasted plum cakes and chocolate-mint nightcaps.

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Johanne Killeen bakes American classics gingerbread baby cake and Johnnycake cobblers.

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Lauren Groveman, teacher and cookbook author, demonstrates these easy European breads.

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Michel Richard prepares puff pastry, apricot pastries and torte Milanese.

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Nancy Silverton bakes a fresh creme fraiche custard brioche tarte in a white wine sauce.

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Martha Stewart and Julia finish their glorious three-tiered wedding cake.