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The Infinite Art Hunt
Curation & Art in Unexpected Places
Season 1
Episode 108
Freddie and Uncle Mars are dreading their time at the airport – he’s afraid to fly, and she’s afraid she’ll be bored. Grandma Tilly introduces them to her friend Leah, who curates art throughout the airport including funky rocking chairs, a giant mural, and mini museums to showcase local artists and keep travelers entertained. The impact of art helps cure both of their fears.
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Freddie hopes a lesson in cultural music and dance will keep her connected to her cousin.

Freddie learns to throw clay while working through messy emotions.

Freddie is inspired to make a change in her neighborhood after meeting a printmaker.

Freddie’s worried she will hang a gallery wall wrong but learns art has no ‘right’ way.

Freddie visits an artist to learn a new way to get attention for a cause with art.

Ty learns how video games are made and realizes masterpieces can be a group effort.

Freddie’s visit to an art garden helps her cheer up Hildegard using the art of mosaic.

Freddie looks for inspiration among the 300 works in a sculpture park and learns to relax.

Freddie and Ty learn the artistic process behind self-portraits to express themselves.

An embarrassing event makes Freddie want to cover up at a mask making workshop.

Ty faces his fear of dancing after a confidence-boosting hip-hop lesson.

Freddie is determined to convince Ty to stay in Philly forever.