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The Blank Page (1944-1961)

Season 1 Episode 3

Hemingway follows the Army as they advance through Europe. Afterwards, he tries to start a life with Mary Welsh, but is beset with tragedies. He publishes The Old Man and the Sea to acclaim but is overcome by his declining mental condition.

Sunday Feb 2, 5:00 PM PST on PBS SoCal Encore
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En español | La página en blanco (1944-1961)
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Hemingway publica "El viejo y el mar", pero el deterioro de su estado mental lo supera.
En español | El avatar (1929-1944)
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Tras alcanzar la fama, Hemingway hace un reportaje sobre la Guerra Civil española.
En español | Un escritor (1899-1929)
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Después de mudarse a París, Hemingway tiene éxito con su segunda novela, Adiós a las armas
The Avatar (1929-1944)
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Hemingway, having achieved literary fame, goes to report on the Spanish Civil War.
A Writer (1899-1929)
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Hemingway moves to Paris and finds success with his second novel, A Farewell to Arms.
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