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The Inspiration Behind 'The Sun Also Rises'
In 1925, Ernest and Hadley Hemingway traveled to Pamplona for the annual running of the bulls. While following the bullfights across Spain, Hemingway would write "The Sun Also Rises," told from the perspective of character Jake Barnes, a war veteran, and inspired by events that transpired during their time in Pamplona with friends.
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Hemingway publica "El viejo y el mar", pero el deterioro de su estado mental lo supera.
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Tras alcanzar la fama, Hemingway hace un reportaje sobre la Guerra Civil española.
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Después de mudarse a París, Hemingway tiene éxito con su segunda novela, Adiós a las armas
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Hemingway writes The Old Man and the Sea but is overcome by mental illness.
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Hemingway, having achieved literary fame, goes to report on the Spanish Civil War.
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Hemingway moves to Paris and finds success with his second novel, A Farewell to Arms.