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Recipe: Tabbouleh with Artichoke

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tabbouleh with artichoke
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Tabbouleh with Artichoke

Serves 8 people

Prep Time: 30 minutes


  • 3 bunches flat leaf parsley
  • 1 bunch fresh mint
  • 1 red or white onion small
  • 1 cup chopped tomato
  • 1 cup bulgar wheat hydrated
  • 1 cup chopped artichoke or jarred packed in water
  • 4 lemons juicy ones
  • 4 Tbsp olive oil extra virgin
  • 1 pinch salt and fresh black pepper

To Prepare

Combine chopped parsley and mint with the hydrated bulgar, chopped tomatoes, diced onion and chopped artichoke in a large mixing bowl.

Add salt and black pepper. Squeeze in half the lemon juice and combine. This juice is directly absorbed by the other ingredients, especially the bulgar. Let stand a few minutes.

Before serving, combine olive oil, salt and pepper, and the remaining lemon juice in a separate bowl. Whisk to a loose vinaigrette, pour over Tabbouleh mixture and toss thoroughly to dress.

Serve with hearts of romaine, Belgian endive and/or toasted whole-wheat flat bread or pita.

Recipe Note:

The novel addition of chopped artichoke to classic tabbouleh is not only in keeping with the Mediterranean flavor profile, including the lemon, but it's also a healthy boost to the overall fiber content of the dish. 

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