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Season 1
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From successful artists to changing history, follow the global evolution of Hip Hop.
Culture Wars
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Experience the 1990s and the unstoppable rise in the popularity of Hip Hop.
Under Siege
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Explore the 1980s and the birth of Hip Hop as social commentary.
The Foundation
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Discover the factors that led to the birth of Hip Hop and its first hit in 1982.
Series Preview
Chuck D from Public Enemy explores Hip Hop's political awakening over the last 50 years.
‘Tough on Crime’ Bill Translates into Mass Incarceration
1 in 3 Black males get caught up in the criminal justice system after the bill passes.
After Hurricane Katrina Hit, Hip Hop Stars Stepped Up
Hip Hop artists step up to aid victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Episode 3 Preview
Experience the 1990s and the unstoppable rise in the popularity of Hip Hop.
Episode 4 Preview
From successful artists to changing history, follow the global evolution of Hip Hop.
The First Socially Conscious Hip Hop Hit
'The Message' speaks to how people are living.
The Birth Of Hip Hop
Examines the four cultures brought together by DJ Kool Herc to create Hip Hop.
The Police and Gangs Of Southern California
Police violence influences the Hip Hop sounds coming out of Southern California.
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