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Episode 5: The Calling

The Calling

Season 4 Episode 5
When Whales Could Walk

When Whales Could Walk

Season 51 Episode 1
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Earth's Natural Wonders

In Ethiopia Villagers Climb Sheer Cliffs for a Baptism

In Ethiopia’s Gheralta mountain villagers climb sheer cliffs for a baptism. Their churches are built high in the mountains to bring them "closer to God," and reaching them is a real test of faith. They believe that male children must be baptized on the 40th day after birth in order to be blessed, but this is a long and perilous journey to make with a newborn.

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Life at the Extremes
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In some of the natural wonders, people must push themselves to the limit to survive.
Surviving with Animals
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In some natural wonders, animals can make the difference between life and death.
Surviving the Extreme
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Earth’s natural wonders are among the most extreme places to live on the planet.
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