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In A Different Key
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How life turned out for the first child diagnosed with autism, and what acceptance means.
In A Different Key - The Trailer
How life turned out for the first child diagnosed with autism, and what acceptance means.
Diagnosing Autism in Minority Communities
In the United States, getting an autism diagnosis can be difficult for children of color.
“Our Guy” Donald Triplett
An autistic man’s community sets an all too rare example of acceptance.
Autism in the Workplace
The workplace is a challenging environment for many people on the spectrum.
Bullying & Autism
Amy Gravino shares painful memories of bullying she endured for being different.
Mickey Visits a Cat Shelter
A trip to a cat shelter takes an unexpected turn for Mickey and his mother.
Living with Profound Autism
Jonah Lutz is an autistic man with profound challenges, and society tends to look away.
Autistic Voices
Autistic people across the spectrum discuss what it’s like to be autistic.
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