Photos of the Week: Agbey Hommey
Last week we featured our interview with sign painter Agbey Hommey, in which he talked about his work as a sign painter, as well as his passion for watercolors. Now it's time to visualize his works.
See Agbey's sign paintings and his watercolors, along with answers to a few questions about his career:
1. Why did you become a sign painter?
I became a sign painter because, I didn't want to be an artist who just painted his imagination, but also help businesses grow by making good signs.
2. How much creativity is allowed in commercial sign painting?
Apart from following the principles of layout and design, I strongly believe that a sign painter should always be creative with his or her work."we don't paint signs only, but we also paint them to fit what its meant for".
3. How differently do you approach sign painting from other forms of expression?
I follow the strict principle of layout and design and also strict rules of sign writing.
4. What is your most memorable project and why?
My most memorable project was the first day I painted a wall sign at the La Bolloona prep. school in culver city. its memorable because I had the chance to do work with my instructor Ralph Guthrie and I learnt a whole lot of tricks such as how to make a perfect oval, how to make a sign look three dimensional, etc.
5. How do you feel when you see your own work around the city?
Born and raised in Africa, I feel very proud to see my works around the city of Los Angeles and that also helps me to know how far I have come.
6. What is your favorite sign (not your own) and why?
I don't really have a favorite. I love all signage's.
Full Dollar Collection of Contemporary Art is an initiative that aims to reconsider the tradition of public art through a collaboration between artists, sign painters, and business owners.
The Full Dollar Collection of Contemporary Art is developed through a partnership between: