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Democracy Now!

'Watershed Moment:' Montana Rules Youth Have Constitutional Right to Healthy Climate

This clip is from the Aug. 16, 2023 broadcast.

In a landmark climate case, a judge in Montana has ruled in favor of a group of young people who had sued the state for violating their constitutional rights as it pushed policies that encouraged the use of fossil fuels. In her decision, Montana Judge Kathy Seeley wrote, "Plaintiffs have a fundamental constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment, which includes climate."

"Democracy Now!" speaks with plaintiff Olivia Vesovich about the historic ruling, which she calls "the most life-changing news that I've ever heard." "It's a real watershed moment," adds Julia Olson, chief legal counsel and executive director of Our Children's Trust, a not-for-profit law firm representing the 16 youth plaintiffs between ages 5 and 22. "There's going to be huge ripple effects as other courts start stepping up and doing their role in our democracy to be a check on the other branches of government."

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