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Democracy Now!

Water Protectors Call for Global Mass Mobilizations as Army Plans to Approve Dakota Access Pipeline

On Tuesday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said Tuesday it will greenlight the final phase of construction of the pipeline. Amnesty International called the announcement "an unlawful and appalling violation of human rights." In recent months, police have launched an escalating and violent crackdown against the resistance at Standing Rock. Last week, more than 70 people were arrested after militarized police raided a new resistance camp set up on historic Sioux treaty land. Among those arrested was award-winning Pueblo journalist Jenni Monet, who was on assignment for Indian Country Media Network. 

This segment features Chase Iron Eyes, activist and lead attorney for the Lakota People’s Law Project and an enrolled member of the Standing Rock Tribe, and Dallas Goldtooth, organizer with the indigenous Environmental Network, who are calling for a global movement to take to the streets and rise with Standing Rock.

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