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Turkey: 41 Killed in Triple Suicide, Gun Attack at Istanbul Airport

In today's headlines, a triple suicide bombing and gun attack targeting Turkey’s main airport in Istanbul has killed 41 people and left 239 other injured. Authorities said three attackers arrived at the airport’s international terminal by taxi and blew themselves up after opening fire. The airport is the 11th busiest in the world. A witness described the attack.

Osman Uçar: "I was getting my three suitcases wrapped while I heard the blast. The police told us to lie down. The wrapping machine’s steel case protected us from getting caught in the crossfire. They were shooting at the police, and the police were shooting at them. Someone next to us got shot. Then we saw the bomb in the x-ray explode. Everybody around it died in that blast. I got up and looked through the window to see the shooting."

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, but Turkey’s Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said the initial probe pointed to the self-proclaimed Islamic State. 

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