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Democracy Now!

Supreme Court Keeps Title 42, Causing Rise in Deadly Human Trafficking and Blocking Asylum Seekers

This clip is from the Dec. 28, 2022 broadcast.

The Supreme Court's conservative majority has ordered the Biden administration to continue enforcing Title 42, blocking asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border. The Trump-era pandemic policy Title 42 has been used to expel over 2 million people at the border since March 2020. The court is preparing to hear oral arguments in February by mostly Republican-led states who are challenging Biden's push to end the policy, while hundreds of migrants face freezing cold temperatures in camps along the U.S.-Mexico border. "Democracy Now!" speaks to Luis Chaparro, a journalist reporting from the U.S.-Mexico border, about the fight to put an end to Title 42, and how gangs in Mexico have pivoted much of their operations to human smuggling as the policy drags on.

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