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Shaker Aamer: After 13 Years Behind Bars, British Prisoner Released from Guantánamo

"Democracy Now!" airs weekdays at 9 a.m. PT on KCET.

British resident Shaker Aamer has been freed from Guantánamo after more than 13 years behind bars. Aamer had been cleared for release since 2007, but the Pentagon kept him locked up without charge. During his time in captivity, Aamer claims he was subjected to abuses including torture, beatings and sleep deprivation. At one point, he lost half his body weight while on a hunger strike. Aamer is en route to London where he'll rejoin his wife and four children. "If you think about how much our world has changed, it's like they're dropping them into a completely different place with very little support, and there's no right to a remedy for the allegations of torture -- which are absolutely credible -- for the prolonged arbitrary detention and for any of the other violations that happened," says "Democracy Now!'s" guest Widney Brown, director of programs at Physicians for Human Rights.

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