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Seymour Hersh Responds to White House, Media Backlash on Bin Laden Story

"Democracy Now!" airs weekdays at 9 a.m. PT on KCET.

Four years after U.S. forces assassinated Osama bin Laden, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh has published an explosive piece claiming much of what the Obama administration said about the attack was wrong.

Hersh claims at the time of the U.S. raid, bin Laden had been held as a prisoner by Pakistani intelligence since 2006. Top Pakistani military leaders knew about the operation and provided key assistance.

Contrary to U.S. claims that it located bin Laden by tracking his courier, a former Pakistani intelligence officer identified bin Laden's whereabouts in return for the bulk of a $25 million U.S. bounty. Questions are also raised about whether bin Laden was actually buried at sea, as the U.S. claimed. Hersh says instead the Navy SEALs threw parts of bin Laden's body into the Hindu Kush mountains from their helicopter. The White House claims the piece is "riddled with inaccuracies."

Hersh joins "Democracy Now!" to lay out his findings and respond to criticism from government officials and media colleagues.

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