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Democracy Now!

Obama Says He Will Tap 'Indisputably Qualified' Candidate for Supreme Court

"Democracy Now!" airs weekdays at 9 a.m. PT on KCET.

President Obama says he expects the Senate to do its job and confirm his nominee to replace Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court. Scalia died on Saturday. Obama says he will nominate a qualified candidate to replace him.

President Barack Obama: "There's not going to be any particular position on a particular issue that determines whether or not I nominate them. But I am going to present somebody who indisputably is qualified for the seat and, any fair-minded person -- even somebody who disagreed with my politics -- would say, would serve with honor and integrity on the court."

A rising number of Senate Republicans say they will block any nominee until a new president is in place 11 months from now.

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