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Democracy Now!

New Poll: Bernie Sanders Leads Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire

"Democracy Now!" airs weekdays at 9 a.m. PT on KCET.

A new opinion poll shows Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has taken his first lead in New Hampshire, home of the nation's first primary. The poll released shows Sanders has 44 percent support among likely New Hampshire Democratic primary voters, compared to only 37 percent support for Hillary Clinton. This poll follows a series of speaking events where Sanders has drawn record crowds. On Sunday, 28,000 turned out for his speech in Portland, Oregon. It was the largest campaign rally for any candidate this year. A day later, more than 27,000 people attended his event in Los Angeles. Before the speech, the campaign's new press secretary, Symone Sanders, an African-American criminal justice advocate, spoke about the Black Lives Matter movement and said, "No candidate for president is going to fight harder for criminal justice reform and racial justice issues than Senator Bernie Sanders."

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