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GOP Senator Introduces Bipartisan Gun Control Bill

In today's headlines, a group of senators has unveiled a bipartisan measure to prevent people on the FBI’s terrorism watchlist from purchasing guns. The move came one day after the Senate failed to pass four separate gun control measures in the wake of the massacre of 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. None of the measures would have banned assault-style rifles like the ones used in Orlando; at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut; at the movie theater in Aurora, Colorado; or in San Bernardino, California. The new measure led by Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins would let the attorney general block gun purchases by people on the no-fly list or a "selectee" list of people subjected to extra airport screening. The ACLU has warned against crafting gun reform that relies on "our nation’s error-prone and unfair watchlisting system."

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