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GOP Lawmakers Planning to End Federal Funds to Planned Parenthood

House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday Republicans are preparing to strip federal funding for Planned Parenthood as part their effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The move would end about $400 million in annual Medicaid reimbursements to Planned Parenthood. Republicans framed the move as an effort to halt abortions, though federal law already bars federal funds from paying for abortions, except to save the life of the woman. In Washington, Planned Parenthood legislative director Jacqueline Ayers said the attack was aimed at women’s healthcare.

Jacqueline Ayers: "This Republican leadership in the Congress has made their priorities quite clear. And with Speaker Ryan’s announcement today to defund Planned Parenthood, we know that their real goal is about taking away healthcare access. We can’t let that happen. We know that they are going to not only defund Planned Parenthood, but also work to roll back access to healthcare under the Affordable Care Act and take away healthcare for the 20 million people who now have access for the first time and the 55 million women who have had coverage under no-cost birth control for the first time."

On Thursday, Planned Parenthood announced plans for nearly 300 events in 47 states, including marches, protests and letter-writing campaigns.

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