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Democracy Now!

Elector: Our Duty in Electoral College is to Prevent Unqualified Demagogues from Presidency

The 538 electors of the Electoral College are set to meet today to officially choose the next president of the United States. Members of the Electoral College are meeting in their respective state capitals to cast ballots to determine who will be the next president. In past elections, the meetings have generally been considered a formality. But this year, an increasing number of people have called on the electors to refuse to vote for President-elect Donald Trump. One Republican elector has come out saying he will not vote for Trump, and there are reports of other so-called Republican faithless electors. Michael Moore has offered to pay the fines of any electors who break ranks and vote against Donald Trump. Donald Trump needs to secure 270 elector votes to take office. He lost the popular vote by 2.9 million. "Democracy Now" speaks to Polly Baca, Democratic elector from Colorado.