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Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance Continues Facing Paramilitary Security Force

The very same day President Trump announced he is pulling the United States out of the landmark 2015 climate accord, oil began flowing through the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. Trump greenlighted the Dakota Access pipeline, along with the Keystone XL pipeline, as one of his first environmental actions in office. The pipeline had faced widespread resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, hundreds of other indigenous nations from across the Americas, as well as their non-Native allies. Now a new investigation by Antonia Juhasz reveals more details about how the private military contractor TigerSwan carried out extensive military-style counterterrorism efforts targeting the indigenous-led movement. Published by the news outlets Grist and Reveal, it is headlined "Paramilitary security tracked and targeted #noDAPL activists as 'jihadists,' docs show."