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Deep Look
The Axolotl Salamander Doesn’t Wanna Grow Up
Season 8
Episode 12
Native to the lakes of Mexico City, the axolotl stays in the water its whole life, swimming with a tail fin and breathing through frilly external gills. It’s nearly extinct in the wild, but survives in research labs the world over, studied for its amazing regenerative abilities. With our help, can these beloved creatures thrive once again in their ancestral home?
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Praying mantises, barnacles, newts and earthworms have some of the strangest love lives.

Watch these hunters use stealth, speed and lethal weapons to dispatch their prey.

Excirolana chiltoni hang out in the wet sand at the beach and might nibble at your feet!

Green lacewings vibrate their bodies and sing to each other!

These five types of bees collect food and make their nests in surprising ways.

These plants spend their whole life getting in just the right position.

Mosquitoes, ticks, lice, kissing bugs and tsetse flies are all looking to grab a bite ... of you.

Burying beetles haul mouse carcasses into the dirt and prep them to start a family.

Wandering salamanders can skydive in the branches of the tallest trees in the world.

The petroleum fly and their larvae thrive in the natural asphalt at the La Brea Tar Pits.

Six-rayed sea stars make great moms, caressing and protecting their babies for months!

House flies deploy a specialized organ called the ptilinum to break out of their pupa!