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Crash Course Government and Politics

Bicameral Congress: Crash Course Government #2

Season 1 Episode 2

Craig Benzine teaches you about the United States Congress, and why it's bicameral, and what bicameral means. Craig tells you what the Senate and House of Representatives are for, some of the history of the institutions, and reveal to you just how you can become a representative. It's not that easy. But an eagle gets punched, so there's that.

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Foreign Policy: Crash Course Government and Politics #50
Today Craig finishes up our series on U.S. Government and Politics with Foreign Policy
Social Policy: Crash Course Government and Politics #49
Let's talk about social policy!
Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Crash Course Government #48
Craig is going to dive into the controversy of monetary and fiscal policy.
Government Regulation: Crash Course Government #47
Today, we wrap up our discussion of economic policy by looking at government regulation.
Market Economy: Crash Course Government #46
How does the government plays a role in the economy?
Media Regulation: Crash Course Government #45
We return to the media by seeing how the government interacts with the content we see.
Media Institution: Crash Course Government #44
Today we look at the rather thorny issue of the media and its role in politics.
Interest Group Formation: Crash Course Government #43
Last week we talked about special interest groups, but why have them in the first place?
Interest Groups: Crash Course Government #42
Craig sets his sights on a hot topic: money in politics.
Party Systems: Crash Course Government #41
Let's dive into the history of American political parties.
Political Parties: Crash Course Government #40
Today, Craig talks about political parties and their role in American politics.
Political Campaigns: Crash Course Government #39
Political campaigns are a pretty big deal in the United States.
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