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A Chef's Life
Turnips: The Greens
Season 2
Episode 10
Late winter brings “run-up” turnip greens, which Vivian sees as central to her approach to southern food, capturing both the spirit and the letter of what Chef and the Farmer is all about. Miss Scarlett helps out by procuring greens from a local produce stand, washing them four times, and discussing the how-to of buying and cooking good turnips to satisfy her "southern people."
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Vivian films a segment for a morning TV show where cornbread takes center stage.

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Vivian visits one of her favorite farmers and a restaurant known for its fried livers.

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Vivian plans a respite from the road during the holidays, but finds herself busy at home.

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Vivian takes the twins to pick persimmons and learn about the fruit's different varieties.

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Dinner at Maker’s Mark in Vivian’s honor turns into an American history lesson.

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Vivian heads to NYC where her book launch means a full itinerary.

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The arrival of Vivian's cookbook sparks a well of emotions.

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Vivian preps peppers for Lambstock, a party where chefs, food, and music converge.

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With Summer heat high and rain levels low, Vivian struggles to find enough green beans.

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Vivian’s plate is full of everything. Except tomatoes.

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As a new chef takes the reins, Vivian's diminishing role at the restaurant becomes clear.

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A view behind-the-scenes reveals the hot and cold of curing ham.