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California's Gold with Huell Howser
Would you believe the Zamboni was invented right here in sunny Southern California? Huell learns about the machines that clean the ice at ice rinks and professional hockey events around the world. Huell joins up with the son of the inventor, and visits the factory where it all started. Then he tops off the day with a trip to the Anaheim Pond, home of the Mighty Ducks to see the Zamboni in action.
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Huell’s finds adventure on the road and tours a 49er RV Park, an Air Museum, and more.

Huell travels back to a bygone era when he tours the Aztec Hotel and the Wigwam Motel.

A century ago, San Juan Bautista was the hub of Northern California.

Huell’s off to Amador county and the town of Volcano.

Huell strolls the grounds of the former home of Erle Stanley Gardner.